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“Imagination is the highest form of research”

- Albert Einstein -

Scientific Journal Publications and Reports

Vision 2030 Working Group 2. (2024), Challenge 2: Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity (White Paper). UNESCO


Fox, C.J., Marshall, C., Stiasny, M.H., Trifonova, N. (2023) Climate Change impacts on fish of Relevance to the UK and Ireland, MCCIP Science Review


McGovern et al. (2023) Ocean Acidification: The 2023 Quality Status Report for the North-East Atlantic, OSPAR Quality Status Report 2023


Kjesbu, O.S. et al. (2022) Highly mixed impacts of near-future climate change on stock productivity proxies in the North East Atlantic, Fish and Fisheries, Vol. 23, Issue 3


Findlay, H.S., Artoli, Y., Birchenough, S.N.R., Hartman, S., León, P., Stiasny, M. (2022) Climate change impacts on ocean acidification relevant to the UK and Ireland, MCCIP Science Review, Vol. 2


Coll-Lladó, C., Mittermayer, F., Webb, P.B., Allison, N., Clemmesen, C., Stiasny, M., Bridges, C.R., Göttler, G., Garcia de la Serrana, D. (2021) Pilot study to investigate the effect of long-term exposure to high pCO2 on adult cod (Gadus morhua) otolith morphology and calcium carbonate deposition, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, Vol. 47, pp. 1879-1891


Hänsel, M.C., Schmidt, J.O., Stiasny, M., Stoeven, M.T., Voss, R., Quaas, M. (2020) Ocean warming and acification may drag down the commercial Arctic cod fishery by 2100, PLoS One, 15 (4):e0231589, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0231589


Tiedemann, M., Nash, R.D.M., Stenevik, E.K., Stiasny, M.H., Slotte, A., Kjesbu, O.S. (2020) Environmental influences on Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae reveal recent constraints in recruitment success, ICES Journal of Marine Research, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsaa072


Mittermayer, F., Stiasny, M.H., Clemmesen, C., Bayer, T., Puvanendran, V., Chierici, M., Jentoft, S., Reusch, T.B.H. (2019) Transciptome proviling reveals exposure to predicted end-of-century ocean acidification as a stealth stressor for Atlantic cod larvae, Scientific Report, 9 (1),


Voss, R., Quaas, M.F., Stiasny, M.H., Hänsel, M., Stecher Justiniano Pinto, G., Lehmann, A., Reusch, T.B.H., Schmidt, J.O. (2019) Economic viability of Baltic cod fishery requires both – meeting global climate targets and improving local ecosystem management, Journal for Environmental Management, 238, 110-118pp.


Stiasny, M.H., Sswat, M., Mittermayer, F.H., Falk-Petersen, I.B., Schnell, N.K., Puvanendran, V., Mortensen, A., Reusch, T.B.H., Clemmesen, C. (2019) Impacts and trade-offs of ocean acidification on growth, skeletal, and organ development of Atlantic cod larvae, Global Change Biology, 25 (3), 839-849pp.


Stiasny, M.H., Mittermayer, F.H., Göttler, G., Bridges, C.R., Falk-Petersen, I.-B., Puvanendran, V., Mortensen, A., Reusch, T.B.H., Clemmesen, C. (2018) Parental acclimation effects in response to ocean acidification in Atlantic cod, Scientific Reports, 8:8348


Sswat, M., Stiasny, M.H.,Taucher, J., Algueró-Muñiz, M., Bach, L.T., Jutfelt, F., Riebesell, U., Clemmesen, C., (2018) Food web changes under ocean acidification promote herring larvae survival, Nature Ecology and Evolution, doi:10.1038/s41559-018-0514-6


Sswat, M., Stiasny, M.H.,Jutfelt, F., Riebesell, U., Clemmesen, C. (2018) Performance and survival of larval Atlantic herring under the combined effects of elevated temperatures and ocean acidification, PLoS ONE, 13 (1)


Königstein, S., Dahlke, F.T., Stiasny, M.H.,Storch, D., Clemmesen, C., Pörtner, H.-O. (2018) Forecasting future recruitment success for Atlantic cod in the warming and acidifying Barents Sea, Global Change Biology, 24, 526-535 pp.


Stiasny, M.H., Mittermayer, F.H., Sswat, M., Voss, R., Jutfelt, F., Chierici, M., Puvanendran, V., Mortensen, A., Reusch, T.B.H., Clemmesen, C. (2016) Ocean acidification effects on Atlantic cod larval survival and recruitment to the fished population, PLoS ONE, 11 (8)


Bach, L.T. et al.(2016) Influence of ocean acidification on a natural winter-to-summer plankton succession: First insights from a long-term mesocosm study draw attention to periods of low nutrient concentrations, PLoS ONE, 11 (8)

Press articles

Weser Kurier 30.08.2016

ndr.png –  Desterrar el plástico y otras urgencias New York City, 7th June 2017


Wissenschaftsjahr Meere und Ozeane

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